Web World Worthy

I remember twiddling about something at Wix.com s few years back. I tried the password and was not surprised that it is still working. So I went about studying the whole website creation just by dragging and dropping parts and components, settings and widgets.

I do have some works posted here at WordPress.com, so I thought, the heck with it -I will create my own blog, even it it feels like cheating, you know, not really creating, merely picking a good image on my collection instead of just using the templates and images available. Well, I was halfway into my 4th page when the idea struck me: I could publish this and maybe just attach the this blog.

Having finished the initial layout and previewing the whole thing, yup, I want to publish! Personal websites like mine are for free, but if all things fall into place this year, I will get the domain.

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Caustic Creations AVP Intro: Work In Progress

Working on me own AVP. Fun, but it takes a bit ore time to pin it down. Never really thought of using the VodPod widget, have had it for quite sometime now. And looky, I was not into really uploading videos on the net, never had the stuff of my own to upload, never did like YouTube (sorry, I just don’t).

But, here I am, trying my own stuff, and how it looks in cyberspace. Thanks to VodPod, now I can add videos to my posts (old farts like me takes a long time to learn stuff, ha ha ha!) Thanks to the VodPod guys!

Vodpod videos no longer available.